Mom Stories

Mom Stories

Hear why moms love Memorial’s Family Care Birthing Center.

Jill Baudendistel

Jill had two daughters at Memorial. Watch her video to learn about her c-section experiences, the wonderful care she received, and her recommendation to friends.

Ashley Gutridge

Ashley has two daughters, both who were born at Memorial with a midwife. Watch Ashley’s video to learn about her daughters’ deliveries including one with an epidural for pain management and the other natural.

Talasha Hill

Talasha has three children and is expecting her fouth. She had one previous child at Memorial and will be delivering her next child at Memorial. Watch her video to learn about circumcision and why she loves Memorial Family Care Birthing Center.

Jules Hunter

Jules delivered both of her boys at Memorial. Her first son was delivered via c-section at Memorial Hospital Belleville and her second son at Memorial Hospital Shiloh. Watch Jules’ video to learn about her exceptional experiences at both hospitals.

Kimberly Mourey-O’Neill

Kimberly had both her children at Memorial. Her son was born at Memorial Hospital Belleville, and her daughter was born at Memorial Hospital Shiloh. Watch Kimberly’s video to learn what she liked about pre-registration, the consistency of the nurses, and the convenience of delivering at Memorial Hospital Shiloh.